Monday, December 12, 2011


Anyone watching the NFL lately knows about the Tim Tebow craze going on right now.  Lots of people who never even watch football know about Broncos quarterback, Tim Tebow.  He has become the most polarizing figure in sports right now, and has more loyalty and hatred directed at him than any other athlete I've ever seen.  It shows, however, how much impact that sports teams and emotional connections drive consumption decisions.  Tebow got his start this year after the Broncos started 1-4.  Once John Fox (the Broncos head coach) got to this point, the pressure from the fans became too much to resist.  Football is as much of a business as any other kind of company, and you have to keep your customers happy.  So, the Broncos front office was forced to go with a consumption decision that they ordinarily would not have chosen: Tim Tebow.  He is a extremely polarizing person; he sometimes does not show the passing skills that most analysts deemm "necessary" to be successful in the National Football League.  His unabashed, vocal display of his religious beliefs drive lots of people crazy.  Those who do not agree with public displays of Christianity can't stand him (however, I believe the backlash from people would be significantly less if he professed another religion, or was a staunch athiest. Christianity creates a division that is often times unexplainable in its intensity).  He's left-handed, and has an awkward-looking throwing motion.  He has been told that he could never make it in the NFL.  People want him to just shut up, instead of always thanking "his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."  He misses open receivers, and often times runs more than he throws.  According to all the experts, Tebow cannot succeed in professional football. But everyone loves a good underdog story.  Let's look at the hard facts.  Despite less than gaudy statistics in his first 8 games, Tebow is 7-1.  He has won 6 straight, and has led improbable, late-game comebacks nearly every week.  Everyone wonders when "the magic" will finally wear out.  It's a fad that is basically over already.  Soon, no one will even remember Tim Tebow.  Every week, analysts say that there is no way he can keep doing this.  But he does.  The fascinating thing to watch is that for each criticism and flat-out hatred for him that appears, more people flock to his cause.  He has a way to influence everyone, not only his teammates, but also the fans.  Over the last week, Tim Tebow jersey sales have increased to #2 in the league, with only Packers qb Aaron Rodgers still holding on to the top spot.  However, if Tebow time continues as it has been every week, Rodgers will lose his spot very soon.  The Broncos have sold more merchandise this season than any other organization in the National Football League.  Think Tebow has not effect on consumption decisions?  Think again.  And if the Broncos continue to win, and make it to the playoffs, the revenue earned from those games will be HUGE.  Whether the NFL likes Tebow or not based on his play, beliefs, etc. is irrelevant; the NFL loves Tebow because he is the single biggest money-making asset they have seen this year.  People will watch, good or bad, win or loss, because Tebow is exciting. Plus, he wins more than any other starting qb in the league except Aaron Rodgers.  How long this all will last, no one can say for sure.  But I definitely will be watching next week to see what Tebow does next

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